
Last week we were walking back  from Compline, an evening service for Holy Week at the Cathedral, and had just reached the road on which we live, when this happened. It was a very special moment.


A robin singing in the night

From a greening tree, a lamp-lit stage,

Stilling our feet, so strong,

There by the churchyard’s corner;

Clearly above, beyond

The passing intermittent traffic

Of a dusk-time street;

There, here, then, but also now,

A triumph of spring-time song.

Robin, robin, you little wondrous thing!

I don’t know why you sing.

Of course I’ve read what others say,

But all these answers fade away

At the surprise, the sound, the song.

We stop and listen.

This moment’s moment

Carries us along.

© David Cooke 2022

6 thoughts on “Evensong

  1. Beautiful! Thank you so much, dear Liza. Wishing you every Easter blessing, and Huxley and your family are in my daily (or definitely most days) prayers. Love Celia- off to a retreat at Minster Abbey tomorrow morning, after a walk and meal with Rosie this evening xx

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